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  • April Schrader, CPDT-KA

The Long-term Effects of Yelling at Your Puppy

Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exciting and joyous occasion. However, it also comes with its fair share of challenges, one of which is puppy misbehavior. When faced with unruly or disobedient behavior, many pet owners might instinctively resort to yelling or shouting as a way to correct their furry companions. While it's a common reaction, it's essential to understand why this approach may not be the most effective or humane way to train your puppy.

Fear and Anxiety: Yelling or shouting at your puppy can be genuinely frightening for them. Dogs are incredibly attuned to vocal tones, and loud, angry shouts can instill fear and anxiety in your puppy. This fear might not be limited to just the specific situation; it can generalize to other contexts and interactions, making your puppy anxious and potentially reactive.

Trust and Bonding: Building a strong bond and trust with your puppy is vital for a healthy and loving relationship. Yelling or shouting erodes that trust not only between you and your puppy but can also impact the relationships your puppy forms with other family members, including young children. Your puppy may begin to associate punishments like yelling with those family members, creating negative associations and potentially hindering the development of a positive and nurturing connection. It's crucial to ensure that everyone in the household uses consistent and gentle training methods to maintain trust and harmony within the family.

Ineffective Communication: Puppies, much like children, are in the early stages of their development. It's crucial to remember that dogs are amoral beings. They don't possess the capacity to grasp concepts of right and wrong in the same way humans do, and they never will. When you resort to yelling or shouting, your puppy may not comprehend the reasoning behind it. Rather than understanding your message, they might misinterpret your behavior as part of play or become further entangled in a web of anxiety and confusion. This underscores the importance of using effective, clear, and compassionate training methods to guide your puppy's behavior.

Aggression and Fear Responses: Yelling or shouting can trigger aggressive or fear-based responses in your puppy. When they feel threatened or anxious due to these punishments, they might cower, bark defensively, or even become aggressive themselves as a way to protect themselves from what they perceive as threats. This can manifest as redirected aggression onto other family members, other dogs, or even strangers, leading to potentially dangerous situations and a deterioration of the overall environment at home. It's essential to use positive training methods to ensure a safe and peaceful atmosphere for both your puppy and your family members.

Inconsistent Training and Lack of Guidance: Yelling not only introduces inconsistency into training but also fails to provide your puppy with clear guidance on what they should be doing instead. While you're busy correcting their undesirable behavior, you might forget to offer them an alternative, more desirable behavior to replace it. This lack of feedback on what's expected can leave your puppy even more confused and frustrated, making it challenging for them to understand how to behave appropriately. A training approach that offers clear communication and rewards for desired behaviors is far more effective and less bewildering for your furry companion.

Effective Alternatives to Yelling: Instead of resorting to yelling or shouting, consider these more effective alternatives:

  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward good behavior with treats, praise, and affection. Encouraging and reinforcing the behaviors you want to see can be highly effective in training.

  • Consistent Cues: Use consistent verbal cues, such as "sit," "stay," or "leave it," along with positive reinforcement to guide your puppy's behavior.

  • Training Classes: Consider enrolling your puppy in a professional training class that emphasizes positive reinforcement techniques. If you need guidance or have questions about this training approach, feel free to reach out to us at 301-231-1907 or

  • Patience and Time: Remember that puppies are learning, and it takes time for them to grasp new concepts. Be patient and consistent in your training efforts.

In conclusion, while it's natural to feel frustrated when dealing with a mischievous puppy, yelling or shouting should not be your go-to response. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement, consistency, and patience in your training approach. By nurturing a loving and trust-based relationship, you'll not only have a well-behaved pup but also a strong bond that lasts a lifetime.

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